University of Michigan students from the South Asian Awareness Network perform
in the inaugural Dancing Justice student fellowship performance at UMMA.
Photo by Molly Paberzs.

2019-20 Student Fellow:
Ambiance Dance Team

2019-20 Student Fellow:
Arabesque Dance Troupe
Daring Dances Student Fellowship
The Daring Dances Student Fellowship is intended to support students or student organizations at the University of Michigan interested in both dance and social justice. Both financial support and community-based mentorship are offered for performance-based student projects and/or professional development. Fellowships will be awarded to group projects (although each project must name one-two students as primary contacts).
2019-2020 Daring Dances Student Fellows
Ambiance Dance Team
Arabesque Dance Troupe
Iraqi Student Association
Queer Arts Collective
2018-2020 Daring Dances Student Fellows
Amala Dancers
South Asian Awareness Network​​
S & V
Any currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate students in good standing with a dance and social justice related project or idea.
The 2019 deadline has passed, but look out for next year's call in September 2020.
Award Description
Funding toward a specific project (up to $250).
Unique opportunities to meet additional artists also addressing questions around social justice.
Ongoing resources and support to further your social justice lens and dance-making practices.
In 2019, a maximum of three (3) Fellowships will be awarded.
Commitments expected once Fellowships are awarded:
Attend at least one Daring Dances event per semester.
Provide receipts for all uses of funds.
Open rehearsals at least once per semester with Daring Dances visiting artists.
Participate in an end-of-year public sharing.
Application Procedure​
The application for the 2019-20 Student Fellowship program available here.
What do we mean by “performance-based”?
The work must involve the making of performance, and specifically performance that relies on people coming together, in live space, and using their bodies. Dance is a broad category. If you dance, you are a dancer, and you are welcome in the space of Daring Dances.
What constitutes “a project?”
A “project” is any event, performance, or social gathering that involves dance and social justice. Connections between race, gender, sexual orientation, and other marginalized identities are highly encouraged. A “project” can be part of class but doesn’t have to be.
What can I use the money for?
Funding can be used for a variety of options including but not limited to space rental, hiring a designer (costume, sets, lighting, etc), bringing a guest artist specifically relevant to your group’s mission and/or project, and/or equipment rental.
What can I not use the money for?
Funding cannot be used to purchase any technological equipment (including but not limited to computers, computer equipment, cameras or camera equipment) and is limited to Student Organization Account Service Limitations on University Funds which can be found here: https://campusinvolvement.umich.edu/content/student-organization-account-service-soas#use
We applied as a group, do we all need to attend the professional development events?
If you applied as a group, only two (2) representatives from your student organization must attend events, but, ideally, the more who can participate, the more your group will benefit from the program.

2018-19 Student Fellow:
Iraqi Student Association